Modular Fireproofing Solutions
Efficient Fireproofing for Modules and Module Yards
Our team specializes in fireproofing modules in our shops or your module yard. No matter the size of the module or project, we have you covered. With over 50 field crews available, we offer on-site fireproofing at module yards or take advantage of our shop capabilities.
Fireproofing Modules In-Shop
Our shops are strategically located near major highways, train/rail yards, and a barge slip. We can process pre-assembled modules weighing up to 50 tons and spanning 85 feet long. Our unique “stick to modular” solution provides a cost-saving turnkey option. Just send us individual stick steel members, and we handle bolt assembly, surface prep, fireproof coatings, and delivery of completed modular frames.
Module Yard Fireproofing
Our team applies fireproofing at module yards across the United States. We offer fireproofing of stick steel at our shop followed by field joints (tie-ins) at the module yard. Alternatively, we can handle all fireproofing at the module yard, including stick steel at grade followed by field joints after assembly. Environmental protection is ensured to maintain schedule and quality, regardless of location or time of year.
Fireproofing Types for Modules
Our fireproofing types for pre-assembled modules include:
- Epoxy Intumescent UL 1709:
- Chartek
- Intertherm (Cryogenic)
- Thermo-lag
- Jotachar
- Firetex
- Epoxy Intumescent UL 263:
- Interchar
- Thermo-lag
- Acrylic Intumescent UL 263:
- Interchar
- Firetex
- Albi Clad
- Dense concrete (various grades)
- Modified lightweight concrete
- Custom concrete mix designs
- Lightweight cementitious
- Pyrocrete
- Fendolite
- Interkote